#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Publish code on the WWW in a reasonably attractive format. # # Copyright (c) Patrick W. Bryant, 1998. GPL. # # # ####### History ################################# # # 12-14-1998 v0.3 First public release # 12-15-1998 v0.4 Corrected pod stuff (whoops!) # 12-16-1998 v0.41 Fixed "noecho" bug ################################################# ############ Begin config section ############### ## Change this to Your path delimiter: my $pd = "/"; ## Change this to where you want output to go by default. Users must ## have write access to this dir! my $DEFAULT_DIRECTORY = "/usr/local/apache/share/htdocs/source/"; ############# End config section ############### my $VERSION = 0.41; my $gpl_main; my $gpl_this; $gpl_this = qq( sourceit v$VERSION: a Perl script for publishing code examples on the WWW. It processes any text file (or STDIN) and outputs HTML to a local file, a file on a remote server, or STDOUT. Copyright 1998 Patrick W. Bryant for Georgia State University College of Arts & Sciences Internet Technology Services. ); $gpl_main = qq( This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public license for more details; write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA for more information or to obtain a copy. ); sub copy() {print "$gpl_this $gpl_main"; exit; } sub help() { use Pod::Usage; pod2usage(VERBOSE=>1); } use IO::File; use Net::FTP; use IO::Handle; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Text::Wrap qw(wrap $columns); my $ifh = new IO::File; my $ofh = new IO::File; my $netfh; my $ftp; my $gpl; my $info; my $hm = "Use $0 -h for details\n"; my $userid; my $pass; my $server; my $path; my $wrap; my $ifile; my $ofile; my $link; my $nowrap; my $nonum; my $sout; my $sin; my $bgcolor; my $headcolor; my $headtextcolor; my $tablecolor; my $textcolor; my $tablewidth; my $noname; my $proc = GetOptions('o|out' => \$sout, 'i|in' => \$sin, 'p|path=s' => \$path, 'f|file=s' => \$ofile, 'l|link=s' => \$link, 'w|wrap=s' => \$wrap, 'n|nowrap' => \$nowrap, 'c|cols=i' => \$columns, 'nonum' => \$nonum, 'noname' => \$noname, 'bgcolor=s' => \$bgcolor, 'tablecolor=s' => \$tablecolor, 'headcolor=s' => \$headcolor, 'headtextcolor=s' => \$headtextcolor, 'textcolor=s' => \$textcolor, 'tablewidth=i' => \$tablewidth, 'copy' => \©, 'g|gpl' => \$gpl, 'info=s' => \$info, 'h|help' => \&help); if (!$proc) { use Pod::Usage; pod2usage(VERBOSE=>0); } if (!$path){$path = $DEFAULT_DIRECTORY} $path =~ s/$pd$//; ## Strip trailing path delim so we can add it back later if ($path =~ /\@/) { use Term::ReadKey; my @tmp = split(/[\@,:]/, $path); $userid = $tmp[0]; $server = $tmp[1]; $path = $tmp[2]; ReadMode(2); print "Password: "; chomp($pass = ReadLine 0); print "\n"; ReadMode(0); } if (!$wrap){$wrap = "WRAP->"} if (!$columns){$columns = 80} if (!$bgcolor){$bgcolor = "#6666bb"} if (!$tablecolor){$tablecolor = "white"} if (!$headcolor){$headcolor = "beige"} if (!$headtextcolor){$headtextcolor = "navy"} if (!$textcolor){$textcolor = "black"} if (!$tablewidth){$tablewidth = "560"} ################## Setup ifile and ofile ############################# if (!$sin) { $ifile = $ARGV[0] || die "Error: I need some input to process!\n"; my @path = split("$pd", $ifile); if (!$ofile){$ofile = $ARGV[1] || $path[-1]} } elsif ((!$ofile)&&(!$sout)) { $ofile = $ARGV[0] || die "Must provide a filename to write in STDIN mode.\n$hm"; $noname="TRUE"; } ################# Build the Head and Tail strings ########################## my $head; $head .= "\n \n"; if (!$noname){$head .= "Source of $ifile"} $head .= qq(
); if ($info) { open INFO, $info; while (){($head .= $_) =~ s/\n{2,}/

/g;} close INFO; } if ($gpl) { ($head .= "

" . $gpl_main) =~ s/\n{2,}/

/g; } if (($gpl)||($info)){$head .= "

\n"} if (!$noname) { $head .= "

Source of "; my @tmp = split $pd, $ifile; if ($link){$head .= "$tmp[-1]"} else {$head .= $tmp[-1]} } $head .= "

\n"; my $tail = "\n
\n\n\n"; ##################################################################### # If we're in STDIN mode, create a filehandle to pass to "process," # otherwise, open the input file and pass its filehandle ###################################################################### if ($sin) { my $fh = new IO::Handle; process($fh->fdopen(fileno(STDIN),"r")); } else { if (-T $ifile){ $ifh->open("< $ifile"); process($ifh); } else {print "$ifile ain't no text file!\n"; exit} } sub process() { my $of; my $input = $_[0]; if (!$sout) { if ($userid) { $ftp = Net::FTP->new($server); $ftp->login($userid,$pass) || die "Login Failed\n"; $ftp->pasv(); $of = ".tmp.$ofile"; if ($path) { $ftp->mkdir($path, 1)||die "Can't make $path on $server\n"; $ftp->cwd($path)|| die "I Can't get into $path on $server\n"; } } else {$of = $path .$pd . $ofile . ".html"} $ofh->open("> $of")||die "Can't open $of for some reason.\n"; select $ofh; } print $head; my $num = " "; while (<$input>){ s/<\/xmp>//gi; if (!$nonum){$num = $. . " "x(7- length $.)} if ((length $_ > ($columns - 3))&&(!$nowrap)) { print wrap("$num", "-$wrap "." "x(9- length $wrap),"$_"); } else { print "$num$_"; } } print $tail; if (!$sin){$ifh->close}; if (!$sout){$ofh->close} if ($ftp) { $ftp->put($of, $ofile.".html"); unlink $of; $ftp->close; } } __END__ =pod =head1 NAME sourceit - a script for publishing source code examples on the Web. =head1 DESCRIPTION B builds a (more or less) attractive Web page around your source code. By default, it provides line numbers for the source code and a I color scheme for the page. You can change all that if you want. It can also publish your page on a remote server if you need it to. =head1 AUTHOR Patrick W. Bryant C =head1 PREREQUISITES You gotta have a lot of modules if you wanna use this script: C, C, C, C, C, C, and C. If you don't have them, you need them anyway. Having lots of modules is good for the soul. =head1 README Before you use this script, edit the "config section" at the beginning of the file to reflect your path delimiter and default publication directory. =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES CPAN/Misc. WWW/Tools =head1 SYNOPSIS =over 2 =item B [options] inputfile> creates B from source of B =item B [options] inputfile outputfile creates B from source of B =item B [options] -i|--in outputfile creates B from B =item B [options] -o|--out inputfile writes HTML to B from B =item B [options] -i|--in -o|--out] writes HTML to B from B =head1 OPTIONS =over 2 =item B<--bgcolor> color Use "color" for background color instead of default (#6666bb). *All colors are HTML syle, i.e., either plaintext (e.g., blue) or rgb (e.g., #0000ff). =item B<--cols, -c> cols Wrap text at "cols" instead of default (80). =item B<--copy> print copyright stuff (GPL) and exit =item B<--file, -f> filename Write output to "filename" instead of default (inputfile.html). This option is redundant. It's better to specify an alternate outputfile as the second argument after options (see above). =item B<--gpl, -g> Print the GNU Public License (along with a link to FSF) in the header cell. Use with C<--info> to add stuff specific to your code to the GPL. =item B<--headcolor> color Use "color" for the background color of the header cell instead of the default (beige). *All colors are HTML syle, i.e., either plaintext (e.g., blue) or rgb (e.g., #0000ff). =item B<--headtextcolor> color Use "color" for the text color of the header cell instead of the default (navy). *All colors are HTML syle, i.e., either plaintext (e.g., blue) or rgb (e.g., #0000ff). =item B<--help, -h> Show this message =item B<--info> filename Insert contents of "filename" in header cell before any other text. =item B<--link> URL Create a download link to the actual source file at "URL". =item B<--noname> Don't print the filename in the header. =item B<--nonum> Don't number the lines of the source. =item B<--path, -p> dirname | userid@server:path Either save output in local "dirname," OR login to "server" as "userid" and upload output to "path" (prompts for password). =item B<--tablecolor> color Use "color" for the background color of the main table instead of the default (white). *All colors are HTML syle, i.e., either plaintext (e.g., blue) or rgb (e.g., #0000ff). =item B<--tablewidth> width Use "width" (in pixels) for content table instead of default (560). =item B<--textcolor> color Use "color" for text in the main table instead of the default (black). *All colors are HTML syle, i.e., either plaintext (e.g., blue) or rgb (e.g., #0000ff). =item B<--wrap> string Use "string" to indicate wrapped lines instead of default ("-WRAP-"). =cut